Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hamlet, in the queens room, with a dagger

Oh what a terrible yelp leaped out of the Queen's quarters as i walked by. I was naturaly afraid so i cracked open the door and saw Lord Polonius lying dormant on the floor with a pool of blood descending from him. Standing over him was my chum Hamlet and his mother. As quietly as i had entered i left. the event shoke me. now hamlet has gone to murder and his mother the assistant? Surprisingly this hasnt changed my trust in him. Polonius isn't exactly Saint John so his loss is sad but not that sad. we shall see how these events unfold, many things remain to be seen

Monday, October 26, 2009

Never a precedent

After returning to my studies after the eventful play i began to do a little research. I inquired into my library to see of any mention of a tale like the events here. A murdered king coming back as a ghost, a tale of revenge for principle, a tale of emotion. Ah, there ought to be something akin to his in the epics of Athens or in dust covered scrolls of the old testament. But for not. I could not find any mention of any tale that had aspects of the life of Hamlets. Thank the stars for the dewy decimal system, or i would have been there forever and lets be honest. It was friday night, and i have a life. Maybe one day I should write these events in a book of my own, what a tale that would be.

And he stood!

Gat Sooks! Hamlet was spot on in his prediction of the Kings reaction to the play. At the most climatic time Cladius summoned a look that no actor could hide. The plate of guilt before was more than he could bite off. He stood up in an effort to retire back to his suite but the gesture went noticed by the court and before you knew if the play was called off and the King back in his quarters. Great news it was to tell Hamlet, i do enjoy the seldom moments of joy in him. Just after Hamlet shoed away Guildenstern and Rosencrantz he told me of his new plans. If theres one thing i've learned that has not been in a book it is to trust Hamlets gut. So i will follow Hamlets new requests, whatever they may be, in the name of his stomach

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Steak Out

Hamlet has requested that i observe the King during the play that Hamlet had set up for this evening. I instantly agreed to doing so. All i have to do is watch the king. So I plan on setting up my deer stand, throwing back a few brewskis, and watching the night unfold. Really all i have to do is see if Claudius flinches or reacts wildly to the play. While it might not hold up in court i think this will be pretty good evidence that the King killed his brother and now feels the guilt in his stomach like some warm spoiled milk. If old Clad gives away any hint of a reaction it's game over man. Bait and Switch.

Get the straight jacket

Just got back from the woods. My buddy Hamlet saw the ghost and followed it back into the deep and dark forest. Before i could present my 7 point arguement for why that was a bad idea Ham was a silhouette in the night. Marcellus and I, after a decision making game of rock, paper, scissors, went into the forest after Hamlet. We searched and we searched, but my flashlight didn't have any batteries in it and my cell phone only had one bar left of power. After a good amount of crying, wandering, and reflection in the fetal position we found Hamlet. He was mad, driven to craziness by the ghost. Hamlet said that he would be going undercover in the form of a madman to publicize the murder of his father by King Claudius. He called it an "Antic Disposition" i call it crazy talk. But as a friend i will follow Ham without questioning the methods of his madness. Although that doesn't stop me from wondering what will come of this.

Friday, October 23, 2009


By the beard of Zeus, i've seen a ghost! On the nightly patrols that are usally spented playing "whos the coldest" "wheres the nickel" "would you rather...?" we, that is Marcellus, Bernardo saw what could have been the ghost of christmas past. What he was doing here in October, i haven't the faintest. His armor gleamed while his imagine was shadowed. I beconed to it, i even asked him to "CALL ITT!!" but to no advance. I swear that had i not had 3 shots of Kettle One just 10 minutes earlier i would have announced that it was a ghastly imagine of the fallen king, King Hamlet. What a mystery. I do wish Scobby and Shabby were here to solve this puzzle. Theres no time to twitter or facebook this occurence, i must relay my sight to the prince.