Monday, October 26, 2009

And he stood!

Gat Sooks! Hamlet was spot on in his prediction of the Kings reaction to the play. At the most climatic time Cladius summoned a look that no actor could hide. The plate of guilt before was more than he could bite off. He stood up in an effort to retire back to his suite but the gesture went noticed by the court and before you knew if the play was called off and the King back in his quarters. Great news it was to tell Hamlet, i do enjoy the seldom moments of joy in him. Just after Hamlet shoed away Guildenstern and Rosencrantz he told me of his new plans. If theres one thing i've learned that has not been in a book it is to trust Hamlets gut. So i will follow Hamlets new requests, whatever they may be, in the name of his stomach

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