Sunday, October 25, 2009

Get the straight jacket

Just got back from the woods. My buddy Hamlet saw the ghost and followed it back into the deep and dark forest. Before i could present my 7 point arguement for why that was a bad idea Ham was a silhouette in the night. Marcellus and I, after a decision making game of rock, paper, scissors, went into the forest after Hamlet. We searched and we searched, but my flashlight didn't have any batteries in it and my cell phone only had one bar left of power. After a good amount of crying, wandering, and reflection in the fetal position we found Hamlet. He was mad, driven to craziness by the ghost. Hamlet said that he would be going undercover in the form of a madman to publicize the murder of his father by King Claudius. He called it an "Antic Disposition" i call it crazy talk. But as a friend i will follow Ham without questioning the methods of his madness. Although that doesn't stop me from wondering what will come of this.

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