By the beard of Zeus, i've seen a ghost! On the nightly patrols that are usally spented playing "whos the coldest" "wheres the nickel" "would you rather...?" we, that is Marcellus, Bernardo saw what could have been the ghost of christmas past. What he was doing here in October, i haven't the faintest. His armor gleamed while his imagine was shadowed. I beconed to it, i even asked him to "CALL ITT!!" but to no advance. I swear that had i not had 3 shots of Kettle One just 10 minutes earlier i would have announced that it was a ghastly imagine of the fallen king, King Hamlet. What a mystery. I do wish Scobby and Shabby were here to solve this puzzle. Theres no time to twitter or facebook this occurence, i must relay my sight to the prince.
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